Tuesday Updates: 20WTF

For many of us, it has already been some year. I mean, really, universe? Really?

I haven’t really blogged in quite a while, but this week I’ve been trying to get back into the swing of it. After all, I can’t really leave the house. Does that mean I’m really getting much done? Um, no.

2020 Recap thus far

  • Last December my Mother-in-law was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer. She passed a few weeks later and we had the funeral on January 4.
  • I had also been having severe mental health issues since November and December, which you can imagine was exacerbated by the whole situation. I held it together until after the funeral, and then it took me nearly 6 weeks to get in for a psych evaluation. Six long, friggin weeks with nothing to take for the 5-10 severe panic attacks I was experiencing every day. Finally, I got my medication in late February and by March, things were starting to level out. I declared March 1 my personal new year and expected to kick ass.
  • Oh, March, thou art a heartless bitch. Cue the pandemic. Sir is out of work. We can’t leave the house. I ended up sewing masks instead of doing much else productive. And having asthma, the anxiety of this whole threat is a daily concern.
  • Now it’s April, complete with springtime allergies and sinus headaches. Last week, I destroyed my computer screen in the midst of working on projects. Utterly destroyed, and to make sure I got the right screen to replace it, I had to take my computer apart, which meant I couldn’t use an external screen until I put it back together so I had no access to the projects I was working on. This happened on the same day we got a call from my husband’s family saying his grandma fell down the stairs and probably broke her leg and arm.
  • Then, today…. Let’s talk about today. My meds made me sick, so I went to the kitchen for some food. The wall cabinets made a weird sound and I realized they were about to fall, so I moved everything from the counter–you know, important stuff like the coffee maker. And just as I jumped out of the way, the cabinets came down and clipped my arm. Friggin hell!! And then, I heard another rukus in the kitchen and find the cats terrorizing a lizard. Wallace the Lizard has been rescued and returned to his natural habitat in the back yard.

WTF, 2020? WTF?

But there’s been some good stuff going on, too.

  • I’m working as an editor with Write Your Best Book, and I love editing, so it has been great. Plus, Christy is an awesome business woman and it’s an honor to be on her team.
  • I’m still kicking!
  • Bodhi beer has been in stock at Kroger the last couple of months.
  • I saved the coffee maker and the lizard.
  • The Last Drive-In season 2 starts Friday.
  • I kinda/sorta have an office again! For the first time since October, the office is somewhat usable. I say somewhat because my desk is currently taken over by my sewing machine and all the sewing floof I need to make masks. But, it’s progress.

It has just been a clusterfuck! So, if you’re having a clusterfuck of a year, just know you’re not alone. Many of us are powering through. It’s all we can do, but we will do it.


I haven’t been talking a lot about my writing, because I don’t always know what to say. I get stuck in my head, especially with everything going on, but rest assured, I’m working. Because of the chaos I missed my pre-order date on Amazon for Trust Fall, but the final book is rounding out to be even more than I ever imagined. I love Lena and Eric, and they’re getting the story they deserve with plenty of kink, heartbreak, laughs, and romance. I hope I’ll have it out to everyone soon!

I’ve also had to take some time away from Trust Fall in the last few months to plan out my story for the Salvation Society. Corinne Michaels is my unicorn and writing a book connected to her Salvation Series is an enormous honor. It’s also terrifying. Her books are a-friggin-mazing and I don’t want to let her or her readers down. But, I know some of my long-time readers will get a kick out of seeing some familiar faces from my books cross over with hers. The story will include a kick-ass, snarky, confident, gets-what-she-wants heroine paired up with a former Navy SEAL who is the epitome of alphaness. Irreverent is going to be a blast!

Thank you all so much for sticking with me and supporting me. You mean more to me than you’ll ever understand. I have a bunch of blog posts scheduled for the next few weeks, so keep popping in for updates to see what’s new and have some fun!

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